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martes, 5 de octubre de 2010


EBay via it’s Green Team is proposing a long-lasting box designed to be used again, and again, and again… The final aim is to make people aware of the importance of recycling as to help the environment while having fun.

According to Ebay´s Green Team; by using this box a minimum of 5 times, we’ll be helping to protect around 4.000 trees, save 2,4 millions of gallons of water, and helping to conserve enough energy to feed 49 “homes” during a complete year.

Moreover, those boxes have blank spaces created for users to write a personal message for the next person on the “chain” of utilisation of the box; creating with this initiative an unique box design.

All EBay boxes are 100% recyclables, made of cardboard with non FSC; which means that we won’t have to worry about the end of the box´s useful life.

This new initiative will start in October and it’s an easy, ecological and smart idea that will help maritime transportation become a little bit greener.

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